When you defile the pleasant streams
And the wild bird's abiding place,
You massacre a million dreams
And cast your spittle in God's face.
~John Drinkwater
**I believe that we Indians have a lot of potential and time and now we have proved this too. But i just don't understand what happens to them when it comes to behaving matured at areas where they are to be selfless.This post is my outburst. For years I have been keeping this with me. Today I just felt like sharing it with a few of you who understand me and my blog. I hope after reading this a few of you might start an effort on your own.. the way i have been doing it from the past 10 years.**
Its been 4 years since i have been at Mumbai, and in these four years I have somehow nurtured a strong observer inside me, an observer who looks at the world with a different perspective. Sometimes I believe I am far Superior from others at the thoughts that I own and during my bouts i believe that i am a psycho. In either ways, I have observed the damage that Mother nature has been constantly facing. Main Mumbai is POSH... roads have to plead the construction to not to block the way;Cars blow horn as if its a music which pleases the human ear;people throw food packets on road ,their ticket or coupon just outside the railway station, their bus tickets as soon as they end their road journey ;the beautiful Arabian Sea and the mangrove cultivation gasp for air beneath the colorful bed of thrown polythene's and used slippers and buildings climb on each other as if big Monsters are now being born to eat the scavengers! Above all, there is a few vegetation found haywire in the city as if displaying the "endangered trees of Nature". I am so surprised that people here would be an alien to a plant as simple as "Asoka tree"!
Navi Mumbai is a place far away from the hustle-bustle of the main mumbai, greener, calmer and fresher.But this scenario has been changing off late. The beautiful Kharghar hills which 3 years back used to be cut from human reach has had a few buildings pop up. The parsik hills near nerul have loads of Junk homes which are vacated and have the trees and grass penetrating into their walls. Once in four month some unknown mountain near my hostel has a massive man made fire destroying all the vegetation which took the grip on it.Within 3 years Vashi lake has become dumping ground for the human waste.The belapur creek is filled with polythene bags which come from the population.
Coming to the massive Mumbai=navi mumbai+ main Mumbai-
The poly bags with plastic glasses clutter on the railway track;On the Marine drive , one of the most scenic place of mumbai which unites the land with the water and water further with the endless sky, there are big dustbins installed but people still manage to throw chana-zor garam paper and tea and coffee cups either in the water or on the pavement.no matter how much Indians owe to education their basic behaviour of living dirty just cant quit!! Despite of the great Mumbai municipal endeavour of CLEAN UP!!( a special service to keep the mumbai clean) there are huge municipal dustbins overflowing with rubbish. The pollution emission is very rarely checked on roads resulting into a very contaminated air which has dust with carbon emission from vehicles and to top it all the humidity.
its just not in mumbai! Its everywhere. This pandemic of misusing the Earths resources, destroying the flora and conquering the fauna which leads to a Syndrome- the shifting baseline syndrome-The shifting baseline syndrome is the situation in which over time knowledge is lost about the state of the natural world, because people don't perceive changes that are actually taking place. In this way, people's perceptions of change are out of kilter with the actual changes taking place in the environment,
The thing that i ponder on is-
- Are we so dumb as to not to realise that we are polluting our Earth? I mean people have this attitude of keeping"my area" clean however it doesnot matter to them if they throw the bizarre rubbish in their neighbourhood! Our mind is trained to throw the waste in a Dustbin when at home but on roads when outside.
- Every second day there is a news to kill a leopard or a tiger which has invaded into human boundaries when actually its an inverted situation! the human encroachment is taking place. where would the carnivores feed? ultimately they resolve to eat the human flesh which least pleases their taste buds( as shown by a report).
- Tropical rainforest's are incredibly rich ecosystems that play a fundamental role in the basic functioning of the planet. Rain forests are home to probably 50 percent of the world's species, making them an extensive library of biological and genetic resources. In addition, rain forests help maintain the climate by regulating atmospheric gases and stabilizing rainfall, protect against desertification, and provide numerous other ecological functions. And our country plays a major contributor to them.As these forests fall, more carbon is added to the atmosphere, climactic conditions are further altered, and more topsoil is lost to erosion.
There are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List and 16,306 of them are threatened with extinction, up from 16,118 last year. This includes both endangered animals and endangered plants.One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of the world’s assessed plants on the 2007 IUCN Red List are in jeopardy. and among the top ten extinction species exist the bengal tiger.
I dont know how much can I contribute to be an Earth Warrior but a few friends of mine who think on the same wavelength along with me have been giving a small effort towards the Earth and Life by things like-boycotting plastic bags wherever we can; we use the same pen over and over again ; get our extra notebook papers of the different sizes piled together and spiraled to have an extravagous rough notebook ;dilute hand washes so that they can be used longer;being a foodie but just on greens; try save small animals around us from human and traffic miseries; aware our peers that it isn't a shame to act consciously ; joining some of the massive environmental awareness organisation like Greenpeace and a few more things where we as Individuals can contribute.
I plead all of you, who manage to read this to make a difference some small way Because-
"Your love for life, your love for your passion, Your love to dream BIG can only survive If the mother Earth Find its way to being alive!"