Monday, October 20, 2008

A Tinch Of Life

Its a great circle-this life. since the day my lungs have started sensing the air on their own, I have been continuously experiencing the same conditions-but they probably tend to be in different modulations! I was born and then I waxly remember the times of childhood- crech classes, friends, malfeasance,snivelling , elation on getting importance from people surrounding us etc.
Today I am doing my graduation.. or else i should address that am-on-the-brink of completing my graduation.And somewhere deep inside that same elemental character disposition remains.
Also I note that life makes me stand on the same point from where i completed the previous circle(and that happens pretty oft), surprisingly enough it doesn't even give any circumspection on the radius of the circle(its the same!!!)
And yet I - "like an insane creature" still sit to sort out the "pie-r-square" of the situation. The only difference that comes is the perception- which grows as we advance in our life .

The whole view just changes… as in the situation is of the same rigor. The things which change are the emotions involved (as they are propotional to our age) , the people involved (they just poke in too much) , and above all us (we just scrap that problem as if it’s the only landmark in life).
So on a whole the circle remains the same.. the only thing that changes is the complexity with which we(tend to) acumen the situation.