so it beginz,this story of mine like every thing else- a colg, a city and a little bit of luck.wen i landed to mumbai little did i recognise tht it is a place which has hidden gestures.
But now i know that its filled with the sweet sweatin smell of hope tht is the opposite of hate;and its the sour stifeled smell of greed , tht is the opposit of love.Its the smell of gods,demons,empires and civilisations tht r in resurection and decay. its the blue skin smell of the sea, no matter wer u r on the island city,and the blood metal smell of machienes. It smells of stir sleep and waste of 60 million animals half of them humans and the othr half rats. It smeels of heartbreak,and the struggle to live,and of crucial failures and loves that produce our courage...
the choking humidity makes amphibians of us all, in mumbai,breathing water in air we learn to live with it or else LEAVE IT!
Now wenever i return to mumbai, its my first sense of the city-that smell, above all things -that welcomes meh and above all makes meh feel at home....